COPY BATCH This command makes a copy of each file in the file list; the copies have the same names as the originals and are made in a target folder you select. The main use of this command is in backing up files. For example, you could back up all the Microsoft Word documents on your hard disk by: • Using "Find Files" to search for files of type MSDN and creator MSWD. • Use "Copy Files" to make back up copies on your back up disk. A standard file dialog is displayed. Highlight the folder you wish to be the "target", then click "Select". If you wish to copy to the root level of a volume, click "Select Vol.". A progress dialog is displayed while files are being copied. If there is not enough free space on the volume of the target folder, an alert will appear. The alert shows the free space on the disk, and the amount of space the files require. You are given the choice to cancel the copy, or to go ahead. If you choose go ahead, Bat Filer will copy as many files as it can; when disk space runs out, you will see an error message to that effect. At this point, you can continue copying, or stop. Holding down the [Option] key while selecting "Copy Batch" will cause ONLY SELECTED files to be copied. ALSO, if the [Option] key is down, files that are successfully copied will be DESELECTED in the file list. This is so you can easily copy more files than will fit on one disk onto several. First, use "Select All" to select all the files in the list; second, hold down [Option] before choosing "Copy Batch". Next, select the first disk to be the target. As many files as will fit will be copied; those copied will be deselected, while not copied will STILL be selected. Continue doing [Option]-"Copy Batch" onto as many disks as are required. "Copy Batch" cannot be undone. "Copy Batch" can be aborted. Those files already copied, stay copied.